The mother of the late singer Mohbad has accused his wife, Wunmi, of betrayal, alleging that she removed all of Mohbad’s belongings from his house without...
Following the gruesome murder of Alhaji Isa Bawa, the emir of Gobir in Sokoto state, Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has distanced itself...
The Anambra State Government has issued a ban on all social events, including weddings, burials, and entertainment shows, from being held on public school premises. News...
Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 elections, commended Nigerian security forces over the rescue of the medical students who...
A non-governmental organisation known as Citizens Gavel announced on Saturday that it successfully secured the release of seven protesters who were arrested in Katsina during the...