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Osimhen Accuses Finidi of Disrespect in Heated Response



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In a fiery outburst, Victor Osimhen, the star striker of the Super Eagles and Napoli, has accused recently resigned Super Eagles head coach, Finidi George, of disrespect and dishonesty following comments made by Finidi about Osimhen’s commitment to the national team.

Osimhen, who missed Nigeria’s crucial World Cup qualifiers due to an injury, took to social media to vehemently defend himself against Finidi’s allegations that he refused to play for his country, News About Nigeria reports.

The striker, visibly angry, recounted how he had undergone an MRI scan that revealed a medical issue, which he immediately communicated to Finidi.

“I was informed by the doctor of a certain situation,” Osimhen said during his live stream. “I called Coach Finidi George to inform him of the development and even suggested I come and be with the players in camp, but he asked me to stay with my family.”

Osimhen expressed shock and disappointment at Finidi’s public comments, in which the coach insinuated that the player could have managed to play despite his condition.

Finidi said, “The Napoli striker could still have managed to play these matches,” adding that it seemed Osimhen chose which games to play for Nigeria and that he could not beg him to represent the country.

Osimhen described Finidi’s comments as disrespectful and untrue. “It’s a lie and it’s disrespectful,” he said, addressing his followers.

“I was injured and followed protocol by informing the coach. For him to turn around and say this is unacceptable.”

The former coach also lamented the lack of discipline within the team, hinting at larger issues within the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF).

He mentioned that several players, allegedly backed by influential NFF board members, would often skip training camps and evade sanctions due to their connections.

This dispute comes at a tumultuous time for Nigerian football, with the NFF recently moving to appoint a foreign technical adviser, a decision that many speculate contributed to Finidi’s resignation.

Finidi’s tenure, albeit brief, was marked by a 1-1 draw against South Africa and a 2-1 loss to Benin Republic, results that did little to stabilize the team’s World Cup aspirations.

As the dust settles, the NFF and Nigerian football fans are left to ponder the deep-seated issues within the national team setup.

The public spat between Osimhen and Finidi George highlights the growing tensions and the need for stronger leadership and unity as Nigeria seeks to rebuild its footballing fortunes.

The football community awaits further developments as the NFF prepares to introduce a new technical adviser, hoping to bring much-needed stability and direction to the Super Eagles.
