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FG, Labour Meet Today Over Fuel Subsidy

Today, representatives from the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) are scheduled to convene, News About Nigeria reports.



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Today, representatives from the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) are scheduled to convene, News About Nigeria reports.

The purpose of this meeting is to make significant strides in reaching the eight-week deadline for concluding discussions on measures related to the removal of fuel subsidy.

In their previous meeting held last week, the government and organized labor formed a Presidential Steering Committee, led by Femi Gbajabiamila, the Chief of Staff to President Bola Tinubu.

This committee was entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating technical sub-committees on various crucial matters.

During the meeting, a mutual understanding was reached that all concerns and demands raised by the labor unions should be adequately addressed within the specified timeframe of eight weeks.

Following the meeting, TUC President Festus Osifo, accompanied by NLC counterpart Joe Ajaero, briefed the press and announced that the parties would reconvene today to review the proposed framework.

The forthcoming discussions will be advanced through the participation of five specialized sub-committees, each dedicated to specific areas such as Cash Transfers, the Social Investment Programme (SIP), the Cost of Governance, Energy, Mass Transit, and Housing.

Sources suggest that as this marks the first meeting of the steering committee, the gathering will formally endorse the formation of the five sub-committees, granting them the authority to promptly initiate their respective tasks.

Insiders have revealed that the main objective of this agenda-setting meeting is to establish a standardized framework applicable to all sub-committees.

This framework will empower the sub-committees to modify and expand their templates as necessary.

For instance, the cash transfer committee is expected to devise a framework for increasing government assistance to vulnerable Nigerians.

The SIP committee will address various issues related to social protection, pensions, housing, affordable education, improved healthcare access, and other interventions aimed at benefiting the Nigerian populace.

The energy committee will concentrate on exploring alternative energy sources and reducing electricity tariffs.

When asked about the feasibility of completing the tasks assigned to the sub-committees within the designated eight-week timeframe, the source acknowledged the potential challenges.

However, they expressed their expectation by stating, “I foresee that the committees will likely seek an extension to guarantee the provision of advantages to the Nigerian populace. Our ultimate objective is to dismantle the cycle of exploitation and underdevelopment imposed on Nigerians by those in power.”

Furthermore, the source disclosed that the NLC places great importance on revitalizing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as a viable alternative to oil in Nigeria.

This initiative aims to prevent the ruling elites from using Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) as a tool of oppression against the Nigerian population.
