In a groundbreaking move aimed at enhancing the living conditions and overall welfare of inmates, the Nigerian government has disclosed that it allocates an annual budget...
Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has expressed his support for Chef Hilda Baci as she embarks on a remarkable journey...
Peter Okoye, widely known as Mr. P from the music duo PSquare, has appealed to the police for leniency in the case involving his colleague, Seun...
Lionel Messi could be counting his days at Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) as he suffered yet another booing from the French side fans in their 5-0 victory...
Two-time Ultimate Fighting champion Israel Adesanya, has been threatened with a move by his ex-girlfriend, demanding an equal share of his total wealth, following their recent...