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Atiku Under Fire For Criticising Tinubu 



Atiku Expresses Sympathy For Tinubu After Democracy Day Slip

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have come under fire for criticising President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, News About Nigeria reports. 

On Tuesday, the All Progressives Congress (APC) berated the former Vice President for blaming President Bola Tinubu for the current economic hardship in the country.

The APC National Director, Bala Ibrahim, made this known while speaking to newsmen, stating that Atiku and the PDP are being economical with the truth.

Recall that both Atiku and the PDP, in two separate statements issued in Abuja on Tuesday to commemorate Nigeria’s Democracy Day, celebrated annually on June 12, slammed Tinubu for the hyperinflation rocking the economy, warning that the ‘reaction of hungry people is better imagined’.

Atiku had also urged the President to listen to the masses and review his policies, which, according to him, are making it extremely difficult for citizens to afford the basic necessities of life.

However, reacting to this, the APC maintained that the reforms were necessary to salvage the country from total collapse, including the implementation of fuel subsidy removal and the floating naira.

He noted that both President Tinubu and the late hero of democracy, Chief MKO Abiola, share a lot in common in terms of ideology and democratic values.

“With due respect, I think Atiku is being economical with the truth. He started well by praising the front runners. But he is not sincere in the sense that the government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu can be likened to the ambition of Chief MKO Abiola. This is a government that has come to actualise the ambitions of Abiola.

“Virtually what the government is doing is more or less using the blueprint Abiola would have used to govern Nigeria. And it is doing so with the aim and objective of uniting Nigeria and making the country governed according to the tenets of democracy as envisaged by Abiola.

“So for Atiku to be apportioning blame on the government of Tinubu and accusing it of visiting poverty in Nigeria, I think he is being economical with the truth. He is playing politics with the truth, which is unfair. Atiku and the PDP should carry the bulk of the blame. The ambition of the PDP is the reverse of what the late MKO Abiola stands for, which is virtually an anti-people programme. Atiku is only playing politics and playing it wrongly,” he stated.

He further noted that Nigerians are in safe hands, maintaining that the changes that are supposed to bring reform in governance, economy, and other sectors of the country will not happen overnight but will take some time.

He therefore appealed to Nigerians to give the President their full support in seeing that these changes happen sooner rather than later.
