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Labour Wins UK General Elections



Labour Wins UK General Elections

The Labour Party’s Keir Starmer has emerged as the new prime minister of the United Kingdom, following a decisive victory for the party in Friday’s parliamentary election.

News About Nigeria reports that the landmark win by the party has in turn ended 14 years of Conservative rule.

According to reports, the Labour Party secured a commanding majority in the 650-seat parliament by winning 410 seats, while the Conservatives, who were the closest rivals in the election, won 117 seats.

Also, for the first time, the Liberal Democrats were able to win 70 seats in parliament.

The election is said to be the first of its kind in the UK, as it was devastating for the Conservatives, who saw 250 of their lawmakers, including senior ministers and former Prime Minister Liz Truss, lose their seats.

In his victory speech on Friday, the newly elected Prime Minister, Starmer, expressed his commitment to leading change in the country.

He further admitted that building the UK of their dreams will not come overnight, as it will take hard work and commitment on their part.

He said, “We did it. Change begins now. We said we would end the chaos, and we will. Today, we start the next chapter, begin the work of change, the mission of national renewal, and start to rebuild our country. I don’t promise you it will be easy,” Starmer cautioned. “Changing a country is not like flicking a switch. It’s hard work. Patient, determined work, and we will have to get moving immediately.”

On his part, the outgoing Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, while accepting defeat, noted that there is a lot to learn from the election.

He further noted that he takes full responsibility for the failure of the Conservatives at the polls.

In his own words, “Today power will change hands in a peaceful and orderly manner, with goodwill on all sides. There is much to learn and reflect on and I take responsibility for the loss to the many good, hardworking Conservative candidates. I am sorry.”
