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Nnamdi Kanu’s Family Warns Politicians Against Using IPOB’s Name For Political Gain



Court Rejects Nnamdi Kanu’s Plea For Bail, Transfer From DSS Custody

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s family has issued a warning to politicians and groups in Abia State, cautioning them against using the name of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) for political gain, News About Nigeria gathered.

This comes in response to allegations made during a press conference that Governor Alex Otti of Abia State sponsored IPOB to create chaos in the state ahead of the State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal’s decision.

The Kanu family dismissed the allegations as false and baseless; emphasising that IPOB has no involvement in state politics or elections.

They reiterated their primary focus, which is the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who is still in detention despite court orders for his release.

Emma Kanu, the younger brother of Nnamdi Kanu, emphasised that IPOB has no interest in meddling in elections and that the group’s objective is centred on a referendum, securing Kanu’s release, and ensuring court orders are upheld.

The Kanu family expressed disappointment that the press conference did not address the persistent flouting of court orders by the federal government, focusing instead on linking IPOB with political parties and politicians in the state.

“What we are interested in is the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who the federal government is still incarcerating in spite of court order to release him.

“Those who sponsored the press conference must have ulterior motives, their intention being to rubbish Otti, but if Otti has won election, he has won the election and there’s nothing anybody can do about it, but they should not bring IPOB into the issue.

“For what reason will IPOB attack any judge for doing his work? They should stop using IPOB’s name to score cheap political goal. Those saying Otti was sponsoring IPOB to cause trouble in the state, Which IPOB? What proof do they have to that?

“Over the years, IPOB has not been interested in their election, we don’t meddle into elections. Our target is referendum and the freeing of Kanu and stop the flouting of court orders, that’s all.”

The Abia State Government had previously called for an investigation into the allegations made by opposition groups, stating that the allegations could lead to disaffection, insecurity, and a breakdown of law and order.

The government urged relevant authorities to interrogate those involved in making such allegations.
