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Court Orders Accelerated Hearing Of Shaibu’s Impeachment Suit, Adds Edo Speaker and Deputy Governor as Defendants



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The Federal High Court in Abuja has ordered a speedy hearing of a suit filed by Philip Shaibu, the ousted Deputy Governor of Edo State, challenging his impeachment by the state legislature.

News About Nigeria reports that the judge, Justice James Omotosho, before fixing June 3 for a full-blown hearing of the case, ordered that the new deputy governor, Godwin Omobayo, be joined as a defendant in the matter. The court equally dismissed a preliminary objection filed by the Speaker of the Edo State Assembly to strike out his name from the suit.

The court upheld the argument by Shaibu’s counsel, Mr. Ayotunde Ogunleye, SAN, that both the Speaker and the new deputy governor are necessary parties in the suit. Justice Omotosho invoked Order 17 Rule 1 of the Federal High Court Rules and ordered the plaintiff to amend his originating processes and reflect the names of the duo as defendants in the suit.

Previously cited as defendants in the suit were the Edo State Government, Edo State Governor, Edo State House of Assembly, Edo State House of Assembly Speaker, the Clerk of the Assembly, the Chief Judge of Edo State, Inspector General of Police, and the Director General of the Department of State Services.

Shaibu was impeached on April 8 by lawmakers in Edo State for allegedly exposing top government secrets in the public domain.

His impeachment came after the high court had already fixed April 15 to hear a suit he filed to challenge the plot to remove him from office.

Shaibu had approached the court, praying for an order restraining the defendants from commencing any process to remove him from office, pending the hearing of his motion on notice. He also sought an order of interim injunction restraining the defendants from interfering with the subject matter of the originating summons filed in the suit.

Other reliefs sought by Shaibu included an order of interim injunction restraining the defendants from preventing him from performing his official duties and discharging his responsibilities as the Deputy Governor of Edo State.

The embattled ex-deputy governor had blamed his impeachment on his decision to contest the impending governorship election in the state.

The court had yet to decide the matter when Shaibu was impeached from office by the lawmakers.

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