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Governor Mbah Reacts To Killing Of Two Policemen In Enugu, Places N10 Million Bounty On Killers



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Enugu State Governor, Dr. Peter Mbah, has placed a N10 million bounty on the heads of the killers of two policemen in the state.

News About Nigeria reports that the slain policemen were suspected to have been attacked alongside their colleagues by suspected members of the outlawed Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), known as the Eastern Security Network (ESN).

Governor Mbah made the pledge while briefing newsmen after a State Security Council meeting at the Government House, Enugu, which had in attendance top security chiefs, including the state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr. Kanayo Uzuegbu; State Director, Department of State Services (DSS), Theresa Egbunu; Garrison Commander, 82 Division, Nigerian Army, Enugu, Brigadier General Murtala Abu; and the State Commander, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Peter Ogar, among others.

According to the governor, available security information pointed to men of the ESN who came in several SUVs for the attack. He called on members of the public to be on the lookout for the criminals and the exhibits, and to report same to security agencies.

Governor Mbah condemned the killing of the policemen, describing it as “bestial and cold-blooded.”

He vowed that the state would go after the culprits with every resource at its disposal to bring them to book.

“We must use everything necessary to hunt down, arrest, and bring to justice the perpetrators of this heinous crime,” he said.

The governor also expressed condolences to the bereaved families, promising that the state government would provide necessary support to them.

He warned that those who murder security personnel may think they have triumphed, but the state would come after them with everything it has.

“We are going to deploy all the necessary technology, all the necessary forces within our powers to track them, capture them, and defeat them. Enugu State, and indeed, with the support of the security agencies, we are going to make life uncomfortable for those who do not want to live in a decent society,” Governor Mbah stated.

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