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Shops Razed Down In Kano Market



Shops Razed Down In Kano Market

Not less than 50 shops have been razed down in the Yan Katako Market Rijiyar Lemu area of Fagge Local Government Area of Kano State, News About Nigeria reports.

The chairman of the market, Alhaji Mamuda Abdullahi, made this known to newsmen, stating that the blaze started at about 1 am on Monday.

According to him, the midnight fire destroyed over 50 shops and property worth N150 million.

Abdullahi also stated that the destroyed ships contained plywood, foam, spray machines, chairs, and other carpentry tools, adding that the cause of the incident had yet to be ascertained.

He further noted that a distress call had been made to the Kano State Fire Service personnel, and the service had responded promptly, coming to their aid and putting out the fire while trying to salvage the situation.

When contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the State Fire Service, Saminu Abdullahi, confirmed the incident, stating that about 25 shops were completely razed down by the inferno, while several other shops were also touched or partially affected by the fire.

“We received distress calls around 1 am and our men were able to put out the fire around 2 am,” Abdullahi said.

The chairman of the market, however, pleaded with the state government and philanthropists to support the traders, maintaining that it was an unfortunate incident.

He added that it is not a good place to be, especially with the economic hardship biting hard, lamenting that many traders who are family men and women have lost their means of livelihood and providing for their families.
