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FG Vows To Rehabilitate Rescued Abuja Kidnap Victims



FG Vows To Rehabilitate Rescued Abuja Kidnap Victims

The Federal Government (FG) has said that it is committed to ensuring that the Abuja kidnapping victims rescued from the kidnapper’s den will have access to comprehensive rehabilitation.

News About Nigeria reported that the four girls were rescued after spending two weeks in the kidnappers’ den.

Their rehabilitation was made known by the Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, on Monday when she visited the rescued girls at the facility where they are undergoing medical treatment.

According to her, the ministry would closely monitor them until after they are discharged from the hospital to begin the rehabilitation fully.

While speaking on the importance of the rehabilitation, which will involve a psychologist, the Minister noted that it is essential because the girls must have gone through a lot of trauma while in the kidnappers’ den.

The Minister further solicited that the girls be changed from the school they attended to another safer environment, while the one that is meant to undergo her National Youth Service Scheme (NYSC) should be posted to serve at the Ministry of Women Affairs.

She also extended the goodwill of President Bola Tinubu to the girls and their families, adding that he is deeply concerned about the insecurity that is bedevilling the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and the nation at large.

The Minister also added, “After this visit, I will update the President and First Lady about the condition of these girls.”

She further lauded security agencies for the roles they played in ensuring that the girls were released from the kidnappers’ den.

During the visit, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs presented food, beverages, soap, noodles, and sanitary items to the girls.

Recall that the girls were reportedly abducted within their residence at the Zuma 1 area of Bwari Area Council on January 2, 2024.

The kidnappers, however, killed one of the girls, Nabeeha, over the family’s failure to meet the deadline set for the payment of the ransom.
