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Court Nullifies Appointment Of Ghandi Olaoye As Soun Of Ogbomoso



The Oyo State High Court in Ogbomoso has nullified the appointment of the new Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Ghandi Olaoye, who was installed on September 8, 2023, by the state government.

The decision comes following a legal challenge brought by Prince Kabir Olaoye, one of the contenders for the Soun stool, who contested the eligibility of Oba Ghandi for the position.

News About Nigeria reported that the vacancy for the Soun of Ogbomoso stool arose following the passing of Oba Jimoh Oyewumi Ajagungbade III in December 2021, after reigning for 48 years.

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State had previously approved the appointment of Oba Ghandi Olaoye as the new Soun of Ogbomosoland.

However, Prince Kabir Olaoye sought legal redress, stating that the selection of Oba Ghandi did not adhere to due process and the Ogbomoso chieftaincy declaration.

Justice K. A. Adedokun, in a ruling on an ex-parte motion filed by Prince Kabir Olaoye, had earlier issued a restraining order against the governor, attorney general, and commissioner for local government and chieftaincy matters in Oyo State.

The order prohibited them from presenting any instrument of office or conducting any ceremony or issuance of a certificate of installation to Oba Ghandi pending the final determination of the injunction before the court.

In the recent judgment, Justice Adedokun nullified the selection and installation of Oba Ghandi Olaoye and directed the kingmakers to initiate a fresh selection process.

At the time the court issued the restraining order, Oyo kingmakers had expressed their lack of awareness regarding the legal proceedings.

Oba Ghandi Olaoye had voluntarily stepped down from his pastoral role at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Jesus House Parish, Washington DC, United States, in preparation for his role as the Soun of Ogbomoso.

A thanksgiving and transition service were conducted at the church in his honour, with Pastor Olumide Ogunjuyigbe succeeding him as the new pastor of the RCCG, Jesus House Parish.
