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Borno State First Lady Empowers 500 Women On Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Day



In celebration of Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Day, the First Lady of Borno State, Dr. Falmata Babagana Umara Zulum, has empowered 500 women in the state during a special event held at the Multi-purpose Hall of the State Government House in Maiduguri.

The empowerment initiative aimed to recognise and support the contributions of women in Borno State. Each of the 500 beneficiaries received a financial grant of N100,000 along with a 50kg bag of rice.

During the event, the First Lady expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to commemorate the historic day with the women and extended her congratulations to Nigerians and the people of Borno State.

She emphasised the vital role women play in building democratic systems and fostering equitable societies.

Dr. Falmata Babagana Umara Zulum highlighted the commitment of her husband, Governor Babagana Umara Zulum, to recognising and supporting women in the state.

She pledged continuous assistance in various fields and assured those who did not benefit from this support to remain patient, as future opportunities for empowerment would be made available.

Encouraging the beneficiaries to utilise the funds judiciously for their intended purposes, the First Lady emphasised the importance of extending support to others in need to promote unity and empowerment within the state.

The event also recognised the efforts of a dedicated committee responsible for screening and selecting the most deserving beneficiaries from among nearly two million eligible women across the state.

News About Nigeria gathered that dignitaries present at the event included the State’s Commissioner of Women Affairs and Social Development, Zuwaira Gambo, and other notable figures from the state.
