On Wednesday, Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the $100 million Lagos Film City. The Film City, spanning a vast 100-hectare...
Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, has urged the Supreme Court to allow him to present fresh evidence to back his claim that President Bola Tinubu forged...
The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, has said that the Senate is not in crisis, noting that the Senators are united and matured even amidst disagreements, News...
Wema Bank, renowned for its innovation and commitment to excellence, has recognized and rewarded exceptional educators in the ‘Wema Celebrates Teachers’ competition. This remarkable campaign is...
A coalition of Ijaw interest groups has denounced the wave of politically motivated killings in some parts of Bayelsa State. The group urged all parties involved...