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Plateau Killings: NANS Urge FG To Honour Victims



Plateau Troops Foil Kidnap Attempt 

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) had called on the Federal Government to honour those who were victims of the killings in Plateau State, News About Nigeria reports.

The Association made this plea to the Federal Government on Friday, stating that it is embarrassing that no tangible thing has been done to stop the killings and apprehend those behind them.

The association, which registered their displeasure that the only thing the government has been able to achieve is to go on condolence visits and send letters of condolence to the families of the victims, maintained that the condolences were enough and it is time for the government to show the people that they have their interests at heart by carrying out actions that will yield results.

Speaking in a statement by NANS Senate President, Ekundina Elvis, the association expressed concern that “ever since the news filtered into the media space, the murderers are yet to be identified, arrested, and prosecuted in a law court”.

They, therefore, urged the government to declare a day of national mourning to honour the fallen heroes.

“Conclusively, we charge the Federal Government to declare a day of national mourning while the Nigerian flag at all levels is flown at half mast,” the statement concluded.

Recall that over 190 people were killed in a Christmas Eve attack in 17 villages in the Barkin Ladi, Mangu, and Bokkos Local Government Areas of the state.

President Bola Tinubu, as well as other prominent individuals and groups, had earlier condemned the killings.
