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BBNaija All Stars: Soma, Angel Reveal Their Relationship Not A Strategy



BBNaija All-Star housemate, Soma Anyama and his fellow housemate, Angel Smith, have confirmed that their budding relationship, which began in the house, is genuine and not a strategic ploy.

News About Nigeria gathered that the couple, who recently left the house, expressed their intention to continue their relationship, despite both having partners outside the house before entering.

In an interview with Classic FM, Soma and Angel shared insights into their in-house relationship, revealing that their connection was not premeditated and grew organically as they spent more time together in the house.

Soma explained, “We intend to keep our relationship going because it wasn’t just ‘the house’, it was real for us. It wasn’t a strategic ploy like some people think, no.

“It wasn’t something we came into the house planning like ‘Oh, when we get in, we’re going to have a ship’, no. I personally did not plan to ship with anybody, and I doubt that she wanted to ship as well. It just happened.”

Angel, who blushed during Soma’s explanation, emphasised that they plan to take things slowly.

When asked if their relationship would mirror the famous Teddy A and Bam Bam connection from a previous season, Angel replied that they are living in the moment.

Soma emphasised that his bond with Angel went beyond friendship, developing into a deeper connection during their time in the All Stars season.

“I just gravitated naturally to her. We started off being friends, then we connected on a different level after being friends. We connected on a deeper level. I told her that we had some chemistry, and it happened naturally,” he added.
