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Palliative: Akwa Ibom Governor Sets 72hrs Ultimatum For Rice Suppliers

Akwa Ibom governor disclosed that he would be commencing a statewide tour of LGAs to identify viable tourism because his administration aims at revenue and job-creating opportunities.



The Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Umo Eno, has set a 72-hour ultimatum for Rice suppliers in the State to deliver rice meant for subsidy palliative or lose the opportunity to external suppliers.

Eno made the warning at a church service of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, West Itam Parish Ikot Andem Itam, Itu Local Government Area (LGA) stating that giving the local producers the contract will help sustain the value chain and get the money circulated within to boost the State economy.

“If within seventy-two hours we don’t have them respond, I will give the supply to outsiders”, he declared as he tasked the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Offiong Offor, to ensure the rice millers supplied the commodity as agreed.

The Governor also disclosed that he would be commencing a statewide tour of LGAs to identify viable tourism because his administration aims at revenue and job-creating opportunities.

Speaking on his administration’s commitment to harnessing Akwa Ibom tourism potentials, the Governor said, “While we were going round each local government areas, we made promises. For avoidance of doubt, I have it all compiled here. We didn’t just make political talks, we did a needs assessment.

“I have looked at that of Itu and I have seen that we are making progress already. I told the Itu people that I would adopt Itu as my second Local Government.

“We told you we would harness the full tourism potentials in Itu. And you remember for those following us, we have started visiting the tourist sites. We went to Mary Slessor’s Tomb and the Ministry of Tourism & Culture is working on that.” Eno stated.

He also expressed optimism about the ongoing developments in the Industrial Park within the LGA, stating that it would attract industries that would in turn provide job opportunities for the youths.

News About Nigeria reported that President Bola Tinubu gave states N5bn each to cushion the effect of subsidy removal on the people.
