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UK Nursing Council Investigates Potential Fraudulent Entries into Register of 512 Nigerian Healthcare Professionals



Midwives and Nurses

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the United Kingdom has launched an investigation into 512 Nigerian nurses and midwives who passed a Computer-Based Test (CBT) center.

The investigation comes after concerns were raised about potential fraudulent or incorrect entries into the register. News About Nigeria reports.

The NMC uses a Test of Competence to assess the skills and knowledge of individuals applying to join its register from overseas. The test consists of a multiple-choice computer-based test known as the CBT, which is usually taken in the applicant’s home country, and a practical test known as the OSCE, which is taken in the UK.

The CBT is split into two parts – Part A covers numeracy, and Part B covers clinical questions for nursing or midwifery. Pearson VUE, the company that runs the CBT, raised the alarm after detecting anomalous data at one of its third-party CBT centers in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Andrea Sutcliffe, the Chief Executive and Registrar of the NMC, said that the data from the test site in Nigeria was concerning and unusual. She added that investigations would be conducted objectively and transparently, avoiding any unfair discrimination.

The NMC is writing to the 512 individuals to determine whether they gained fraudulent or incorrect entry into the register. The council has the power to refuse registration or remove people from its register to protect the public and people who use health and care services.

The NMC has not yet made any determinations about the individuals under investigation. However, it has stated that individuals will be able to continue working unless there is sufficient evidence to seek an interim suspension order.

It is worth noting that thousands of nurses and midwives who were educated overseas have safely joined the NMC register recently and continue to provide safe, effective, and kind care across the UK. The NMC is conducting the investigation thoroughly and fairly to ensure the public and healthcare users are protected.
