Three lives hung in the balance as a horrifying accident unfolded at the Abalti Barracks end of the Ojuelegba Bridge in Surulere, but miraculously they were...
The BBNaija All-Stars reality TV show bid farewell to three housemates on Sunday night, News About Nigeria gathered. The eviction announcement was made by the show’s...
Prince George, a show promoter based in Canada, has revealed a detail about the late singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad. According to George, Mohbad...
Bella Shmurda, a close associate and colleague of the late singer Mohbad, has disclosed that when he received the news of Mohbad’s passing, his (Bella Shmurda)...
The petitions challenging the declaration of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu as the victor of the gubernatorial election will be decided on by the Lagos State Governorship Election...