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Actress Shan George Weighs In On Yvonne Jegede, Nedu’s Social Media Feud



Actress Shan George Weighs In On Yvonne Jegede, Nedu’s Social Media Feud

In the wake of a heated exchange between actress Yvonne Jegede and Nedu, the host of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, actress Shan George has offered her perspective on the feud.

News About Nigeria reported that the feud began after Jegede issued a public apology to May Edochie for endorsing Yul Edochie’s controversial second marriage during her appearance on ‘The Honest Bunch’, co-hosted by Nedu.

Nedu subsequently criticised Jegede for not standing by her statements.

Nedu had posted on Instagram, “If you talk, use your chest and stand by your words.”

Jegede responded, accusing Nedu of having a podcast history filled with content that undermines women’s self-esteem.

She said that he seemed to derive pleasure from watching women attack each other due to his apparent disdain for them.

However, Shan George has come to Nedu’s defence, stating that he was simply fulfilling his role as a host by asking probing questions and encouraging guests to share their views.

She said that guests should be mindful of their words and take responsibility for them, including offering apologies when necessary.

In a video message shared on her Instagram account, George said, “The truth is that you have a right to speak out, stand to be corrected, and apologise when you offend. And that’s what Yvonne has done. And there’s no need to be escalating the issue.”

Shan George continued, “What Nedu has done is do his job. Nedu’s own is to ask you questions; to make you speak out. So at the end of the day, he hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s your duty to mind your words. But if you speak wrongly like we all do sometimes, then you apologise. So I don’t know why anybody is escalating this issue. Yvonne has said what she said and she has apologised. As far as I am concerned, her apology is enough.”

