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Kano Govt Bans Public Demonstrations, Orders Security Forces to Arrest Protesters



Kano Govt Bans Public Demonstrations, Orders Security Forces to Arrest Protesters

Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf has issued a ban on all public demonstrations within the state.

The governor, who invoked his authority as the chief security officer of the state, directed security forces to arrest anyone involved in such activities, News About Nigeria reports.

According to a statement released on Wednesday by the governor’s spokesperson, Sanusi Tofa, the measure is aimed at preventing potential disruptions of public order.

The government claimed to have received “credible intelligence” that opposition figures in Kano have planned to sponsor student associations and political agitators from other northwestern states to incite chaos under the guise of advocating for the dethroned Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero.

The statement warned potential demonstrators that the state government has explicitly outlawed protests, demonstrations, or processions of any kind, and individuals found engaging in such activities will be promptly apprehended.

Governor Yusuf appealed to citizens to continue their daily activities without fear, assuring them of the state’s stability.

The development comes amidst a fresh twist in the emirship tussle in Kano State.

A Federal High Court sitting in Kano recently ordered the eviction of Muhammadu Sanusi II, the reinstated Emir of Kano, from Gidan Rumfa Palace. This follows a state high court’s decision granting an order restraining the eviction of Emir Sanusi II.

The court also directed the police to ensure that Aminu Bayero, the 15th Emir of Kano, who was deposed last week, receives all his due rights and privileges.

The Kano House of Assembly’s repeal of the Kano Emirates Council law, which was used by former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje to dethrone Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II, has led to a standoff between the state government and the deposed Emir.

It should be recalled that Governor Yusuf ordered the affected Emirs to vacate their palaces within 48 hours, but Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero returned to Kano and moved into a section of the palace with heavy military protection, leading to his arrest being ordered by the governor.

However, the police stated they would comply with the court order reinstating Sanusi.

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