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Delta CP Warns Against Violent Protest



Delta CP Warns Against Violent Protest

The Commissioner of Police in Delta State, CP Abaniwonda Olufemi, has warned the residents of the state against any act of violence during the planned protest by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) News About Nigeria reports.

He gave this warning in a statement issued by the Police Public Relations Officer for Delta State Command, DSP Bright Edafe, on Monday, stating that defaulters will be punished.

Recall that the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), alongside other unions, scheduled a protest to be held on the 27th and 28th of February 2024.

Speaking on this, CP Olufemi noted that a massive deployment of personnel across the state has been ordered to ensure adequate security and safety during the protest and to ensure that the protest is not hijacked.

According to him, the CP, Area Commanders, Tactical Commanders, and Divisional Police Officers, during an interaction with him, were directed to put measures in place to forestall any breakdown of law and order.

“As part of measures to ensure that the protest is seamless, the CP had stakeholders meeting with the leaders of NLC, TUC, and IPMAN on 22nd February 2024, and discussed measures to achieve a peaceful protest.

“The CP stated that it is the primary responsibility of the Police to ensure the protection of life and property which includes the security of protesters, but also reiterated that citizen’s right to protest is a right to peaceful protest. Violent protest is criminal and will not be tolerated.

“The CP directed the State Intelligence Department to deploy undercover operatives who will monitor and report back findings.

“Manpower has also been drawn from Tactical Teams which include Safer Highway, Dragon Patrol, Safe Delta, Raiders Unit, Rapid Response Squad, Special Anti-Kidnapping and Cyber Crime Squad, CD-Decoy, CP Monitoring Unit, State Anti-Cult Unit, Crack Squad, X-Squad, and additional personnel were also deployed from Department of Operations, Area Commands, and Divisions,” the statement reads.
