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Stop Attacking Critics – PDP Tells Soludo



The Anambra State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has called on the Governor of the State, Governor Chukwuma Soludo, to cease his attacks on critics of his administration, News About Nigeria reports.

This call to the Governor was issued in a press statement by the PDP spokesman in Anambra, Uloka Chibuike.

According to him, the ongoing verbal assaults against critics and commentators do not reflect well on the Governor’s administration.

He also pointed out that the recent attacks by the Press Secretary and other senior aides of the governor against critics of his administration were inappropriate.

Chibuike also emphasized that, as the governor of the state, he holds a public position of trust and should expect the people to demand accountability.

According to him, Soludo must be reminded that the Anambra State Government House is not his private business from which he can launch attacks and confront those with whom he has family or business disagreements. Therefore, he must be accountable to the people of the state rather than attacking them when they seek accountability.

“Critics and commentators are not adversaries of the government; they are citizens who want to see the government fulfil its promises and offer suggestions on how the government can improve.

“It is unacceptable for Soludo to become defensive and resort to verbal onslaught when reminded that there is little evidence on the ground to justify his 19 months in office.”

Chibuike also criticized Soludo, describing his accomplishments in Anambra as “minimal or next to nothing compared to what was promised.”
