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Lagos Government Reopens Mile 12 Market



The Lagos State Government, on Monday, issued an order to reopen the Mile 12 International Market, which had been sealed on Friday.

News About Nigeria gathered that this decision follows a comprehensive assessment that covered various aspects of environmental compliance, waste management practices, and general cleanliness within the market.

Tokunbo Wahab, the Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, emphasised that environmental, public health and safety issues are non-negotiable.

He said the government is committed to upholding these values and will not allow them to be compromised by the actions of a few individuals.

Wahab stated, “We cannot continue to be nonchalant about our environment. Our negative attitude towards the environment must stop. The way we treat the environment is the way the environment treats us. We cannot fold our arms and allow the nonchalance of a few to affect the generality of the people.”

The Lagos State Government had set specific environmental standards and safety measures as preconditions for reopening markets.

As Mile 12 International Market fully complied with these requirements, the government has ordered its immediate reopening.

Wahab stressed that enforcement would continue, as no government takes pleasure in shutting down markets.

He called on traders to adhere to acceptable hygiene standards and assured that any market reverting to unsanitary conditions would be promptly closed.

Dr Muyiwa Gbadegesin, the Managing Director/CEO of the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA), highlighted the commitment to environmental sustainability and public safety around market facilities in the state.

The temporary closure of Mile 12 Market aimed to address environmental issues and bring the market in line with regulations.

“We worked closely with Mile 12 Market traders and associations to implement corrective actions, including the placement of dino bins, proper waste collection, disposal, employment of waste policing, bin keepers, and payment for waste services, among others,” Gbadegesin explained.

He encouraged traders to demonstrate total commitment to the state’s environmental laws to create a cleaner and healthier environment for all stakeholders.

Mile 12 International Market was temporarily sealed along with Owode Onirin Market due to various environmental infractions.
