Metro News

LASEMA Warns Residents Against Blocking Drainage

LASEMA permanent secretary advised residents to stop building homes close to the canal and filling drainage systems with trash.



Residents of Ijaiye and Ojokoro have been advised by the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) to stop obstructing drainage in order to prevent floods.

In a press release published and signed by the agency’s Head of Public Unit, Mr. Nosa Okunbor, on Friday, July 21, 2023 in Lagos, the LASEMA Permanent Secretary, Dr. Femi Oke-Osanyitolu, issued the warning during a visit to Ijaiye and Ojokoro LCDA for sensitization, News About Nigeria reports.

Because the area was prone to flooding, the LASEMA permanent secretary advised residents to stop building homes close to the canal and filling drainage systems with trash.

However, he gave the citizens assurance that the state administration will make every effort to reduce the effects of floods in the state.

Oke-Osanyitolu said that since the area was prone to flooding, people should refrain from building homes next to the canal.

He pleaded with them to stop blocking drainage with trash. Oke-Osanyitolu pointed out that because of the frequent flash floods, locals must stay indoors whenever it rains and wait until the water has subsided before continuing with their daily activities.

He also expressed sympathy to the families who had lost loved ones to flooding, he urged the people to cooperate with the LCDA Chairman for the sake of safety.
Oke-Osanyintolu gave the locals his word that, after a thorough analysis, the state government would offer a long-term solution to the floods in Ojokoro.

The LCDA Executive Chairman had earlier observed that the residents of the area had suffered greatly over the previous two months as a result of flooding.

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