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“I Have Been Through It All” – Charly Boy Shares Past Experience

The legendary entertainer, widely known as Area Father, shared the ordeals he faced while advocating for good governance in Nigeria.



Charly Boy Oputa

Renowned Nigerian singer and activist, Charly Boy, has recently opened up about the harrowing experiences he endured during his years of activism, revealing how he was subjected to brutalization and unjust imprisonment.

News About Nigeria reports that the legendary entertainer, widely known as Area Father, shared the ordeals he faced while advocating for good governance in Nigeria.

Charly Boy, who gained prominence through his “Our Mumu Don Do” movement and his unapologetically outspoken nature, took to Twitter to recount the challenges he encountered as an activist over the years.

In a candid post, he revealed how he was unjustly locked up in a room for several months by security operatives due to his involvement in the movement.

The iconic singer, who has been at the forefront of advocating for positive change in Nigeria, expressed that his past experiences from as early as 1966 until the present day have had a profound impact on him.

Charly Boy remarked that these experiences have made him “soft like butter,” implying that he has witnessed a myriad of difficulties and adversities throughout his journey as an activist.

He tweeted, “As an individual, a citizen of this once great country and the Area Fada, I can say that I have seen it all, now am soft like butter.

“I was young when the Union Jack was lowered into oblivion. I saw hope perish in 1966 and the wanton destruction that followed in 1967.

“I watched my beloved father clear a path to national healing in 1999. I have seen even more since then. I sabi how water enters coconut. I have been brutalized, tear gassed, locked up for months, rendered poor by our nonsensical security force”.
