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Randy Orton’s WWE Comeback In Doubt As Doctors Advise Against Return



Randy Orton

Fans of WWE legend Randy Orton may have to wait a little longer to see him back in the ring, as the wrestler has been advised against returning to the sport due to injury concerns.

News About Nigeria has gathered that the 43-year-old has been sidelined for almost a year and has been dealing with physical ailments that required back fusion surgery in November 2022.

Orton’s father, Bob Jnr, recently revealed that doctors had advised his son not to return to the sport, casting doubts on the wrestler’s future.

Speaking to Sportskeeda, Bob Jnr stated, “He’s training, so we’ll see what happens; I don’t know. If he feels like he’s ready to go back, I think he might, but again he’s pretty well taken care of. I don’t think he needs to. And I think the doctors have told him not to. But Randy will do what Randy wants to do.”

Orton has achieved remarkable success in the sport, with 14 world championship titles to his name over a two-decade-long career.

The wrestler’s most recent in-ring appearance was in May 2022, during a title unification bout that ended in defeat.

However, Orton has been struggling with injuries since then, and his recovery has been ongoing.

Teddy Long, a WWE Hall of Famer, emphasized the importance of Orton prioritizing his health and well-being last year.

Long mentioned the decisions made by wrestling legends such as Edge and Kurt Angle, who decided not to return to the ring after being warned about the potential dangers by doctors.

While fans eagerly await updates on Randy Orton’s potential return to WWE, the wrestler’s health and overall well-being remain the primary concerns.

Ultimately, the decision to resume his career will be up to Orton himself as he weighs his personal aspirations against the medical advice he has received.
