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Fresh Threats Of Attacks On Plateau Community As Residents Live In Fear



Plateau State Security Task Force Declares 11 Wanted Over Attacks, Killings

In a recent development, invaders have issued fresh threats of attacks on the Pushit community in the Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State, just four days after an attack claimed the lives of 195 people in 17 communities across the state, News About Nigeria reports.

Stanley Kavwam, the Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the Middle Belt Forum, revealed in an interview with Arise Television on Thursday that terrorists had sent a letter notifying of an imminent attack on the Pushit community.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Alabo Alfred, confirmed the awareness of the threat, stating that the command had intelligence and was actively working on it.

Residents in Pushit expressed their fear and apprehension, noting that since news of the impending attack spread, they no longer sleep at night.

One villager, Joshua Bukat, pleaded for government intervention, emphasising the need for swift action to save lives.

This revelation comes as the United Nations calls for an investigation into the Christmas Eve attack, which resulted in the loss of 195 lives and displaced over 10,000 people in the Barkin Ladi, Mangu, and Bokkos local government areas of Plateau State.

The attackers targeted 17 villages, causing widespread condemnation from various quarters, including President Bola Tinubu, the northern governors, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas.

Governor Caleb Mutfwang acknowledged the flaws in the state’s security architecture, pointing out that there is a need for adjustments.

President Tinubu condemned the attacks, describing them as “primitive and heinous” and ordering a manhunt for the perpetrators.

The Pushit community remains on high alert, with residents living in constant fear as security forces work to address the imminent threat and prevent further loss of life.
