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Emirate Tussle: Army clears Air On Involvement 



Emirate Tussle: Army clears Air On Involvement 

The Army headquarters has cleared the air regarding its involvement in the Emirate Tussle in Kano State, News About Nigeria reports.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Major General Onyema Nwachukwu, made this disclosure on Sunday while responding to insinuations that troops have been deployed in Kano.

He revealed that the troops have not been involved in the Kano state emirate tussle and are also not involved in enforcing any court order, as opposed to insinuations by the Kano State Chapter of the Nigerian Bar Association.

He stated that the troops are only on standby with other security agencies, adding that their duty is to ensure the prevention of a breakdown of law and order in the state should the situation arise.

“Contrary to insinuations by the Kano state chapter of the Nigerian Bar Association as published by a news medium on 26 May 2024, troops of the Nigerian Army have not been involved in the Kano state emirate tussle and are not involved in enforcing any court order.

“They have only taken proactive steps to checkmate any possible breakdown or breach of the security that may be occasioned by the Kano Emirship tussle.

‘The issue of paramount concern to the Nigerian Army and other security agencies is the prevention of the breakdown of law and order in the state, which could be taken advantage of by adversarial non-state actors,” he stated.

He further noted that the Army will only step in if and when the intensity of the security situation becomes overwhelming for the police.

He maintained that the Army is just monitoring the situation as it unfolds for now.

“All the Army is doing at this stage is to monitor the situation as it unfolds and be on standby in the event of any escalation that could threaten the security of the state and the region in general,” he added.
