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Organised Labour Applauds Fubara’s N100k Christmas Bonus

Fubara approved a Christmas bonus of N100,000 for civil servants on the state government’s payroll



Organised Labour Applauds Fubara’s N100k Christmas Bonus

The organised labour in Rivers State has expressed its appreciation to Governor Siminalayi Fubara for approving a Christmas bonus of N100,000 for civil servants on the state government’s payroll, News About Nigeria reports.

In a statement issued in Port Harcourt, the labour unions called on civil servants to rally behind the Fubara-led administration and support this generous gesture.

The statement, jointly signed by Comrade Alex Agwanwor (Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress), Comrade Ikechukwu Onyefuru (Trade Union Congress), and Comrade Chuku Emecheta (Joint Negotiation Council), commended Governor Fubara for setting a new record.

According to the statement, this surpasses the Christmas bonus provided during the tenure of former Governor Peter Odili, who offered N20,000 to civil servants.

The labour unions urged workers in Rivers State to continue praying for peace amid the current political crisis.

They said that Governor Fubara’s Christmas bonus establishes him as the ‘worker’s governor” and shows his dedication to the welfare of the state’s workforce.

The statement cautioned against political detractors who might attempt to undermine the governor, stressing that any attacks on him would be considered attacks on the workers of Rivers State.

The organised said it would support the Fubara-led administration and encouraged the people of Rivers State to remain vigilant and security-conscious during the festive season.

The statement concluded with prayers for God’s favour and prosperity in the state.

On Fubara’s Christmas bonus, the Commissioner, Warisenibo Johnson, announced that the governor ordered that the bonus be paid to all civil servants with immediate effect to enable them to have a wonderful festive season.

He said: “Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has approved N100,000 as a Christmas bonus for the state’s civil servants.

“Governor Fubara gave the approval on Tuesday for immediate implementation to enable the civil servants to have a wonderful yuletide celebration.”
