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Gabon Coup: Tinubu Laments Spread of Contagious Autocracy Across Africa

President Tinubu in a statement by his spokesman, Ajuri Ngelale lamented that autocratic contention was spreading across different regions of the continent.




President of Nigeria and the chairman of the Economic Community of West African State, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has vowed to defend the democracies of African nations just as the wave of coup de tat continues to spread across the continent.

News About Nigeria has earlier reported that President Ali Bongo of Gabon was ousted by a military coup. The development occurred barely a month after the Niger coup leaving African leaders to worry about the new wave of coups that have continued to spread across the region.

However, President Tinubu in a statement by his spokesman, Ajuri Ngelale lamented that autocratic contention was spreading across different regions of the continent.

The president further expressed readiness to work with leaders of other countries to ensure that the wave of the contagious autocracy is curbed.

“President Bola Tinubu is watching closely with deep concern for the country’s social-political stability and at the seeming autocratic contention apparently spreading across different regions of our beloved continent. The President as a man who has made significant, personal sacrifices in his own life in the course of advancing and defending democracy is of the unwavering belief that power belongs in the hands of Africa’s great people and not in the barrel of a loaded gun. The President affirms that the rule of law and a faithful recourse to the constitutional resolutions and instruments of electoral dispute resolution must not at any time be allowed to perish from our great continent,” statement by Ngelale read.

“To this end, the President is working very closely and continues to communicate with other Heads of State in the African Union towards a comprehensive consensus on the next steps forward with respect to how the power in Gabon will play out and how the continent will respond to contagious autocracy we have seen spread across our continent,” it added.
