
Military Pensioners To Begin E-Verification



The Federal Government has approved an electronic verification system for military pensioners to ensure sanity in pension administration, News About Nigeria reports.

The Chairman of the Military Pensions Board (MPB), AVM Paul Irumheson, disclosed this while addressing newsmen on the commencement of the electronic verification exercise nationwide on Friday in Abuja.

He noted that the initiative is aimed at sanitising military pension administration and eliminating issues of impersonation.

According to him, the Board adopted an electronic verification system to reduce the risk of travelling from one place to another, and the cost of transportation owing to their old age, and those who reside outside the country.

“You may recall that on Feb. 15, I briefed this honourable press about the board`s intention or plan to move from physical verification to electronic verification for our military retirees.

“The reasons, amongst others, include the security risk of travelling from one place to another; old age of some of our pensioners; and high cost of transportation, particularly for those staying abroad,” he stated.

He further noted that the board successfully conducted a pilot test from Feb. 15 to March 1, adding that only 15 of the 2,000 pensioners verified failed the process, adding that the little observations noticed had been used to improve on the system.

The chairman assured that the board would carry out sufficient public awareness to enable pensioners to navigate the system with ease.

He, therefore, urged military pensioners to take advantage of the electronic verification exercise as those who failed to, would seize to receive their pensions.

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