
Lawmaker Kicks Against Return To Old National Anthem



A member of the House of Representatives, Ahmad Satomi, has kicked against the move by the Green Chamber to return to the old National Anthem.

This, according to him, is because returning to the old national anthem will not in any way help Nigerians come out of the current economic crisis they are suffering from.

News About Nigeria recalls that the House of Representatives on Thursday passed for a second reading a bill seeking a return to the old national anthem.

Leading the debate on the general principles of the bill, the sponsor of the proposed law, Julius Ihonvbere, anchored his argument on the need for patriotism and nationalism.

Reacting to this, the lawmaker representing Jere Federal Constituency, Borno State, queried the bill’s relevance to Nigeria’s pressing issues.

He further noted that reverting to the old National Anthem, “Nigeria we hail thee,” is not the solution to any of Nigeria’s challenges.

Satomi stated that instead of passing such bills, the House of Representatives should be more focused on how to prefer solutions to real-world problems faced by Nigerians, ranging from poverty to insecurity and many more.

He said, “I do not know how this national anthem will affect the well-being of the common man in Nigeria. Let’s be realistic. How will this support either hunger, banditry, or improve insecurity?

“There is a saying that goes thus, ‘Countries that rely on prayers will rely on the ones that do think.’ Please, let’s think of something that will bring progress, stability, and prosperity to the economy of this nation and improve the lives of the common man.”

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