
Private Jet With VIPs Crashlands In Ibadan Airport



A private jet with about 10 people, including Very Important Personalities (VIPs), has crashlanded at Samuel Ladoke Akintola Airport in Ibadan, Oyo State.

News About Nigeria gathered that the incident occurred on Friday around 11 a.m., involving a jet with the registration number N580KR, which reportedly missed the runway and skidded into the nearby bush.

According to a source, the private plane had originated from Abuja and, while it landed safely, it overshot the runway.

Fortunately, there were no casualties or fatalities resulting from the incident.

Firefighters and rescue officials from the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) were quick to the scene to ensure the safety of the occupants.

Carol Adekotujo, a spokesperson for the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), confirmed the incident and stated, “It was a private plane from Abuja. It landed safely but overshot the runway. There was no casualty.”

Tunji Oketunmbi, a spokesperson for the Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB), also confirmed the incident and mentioned that an investigative team had been dispatched to the site to probe the circumstances surrounding the overshooting of the runway.

The recent incident adds to the growing concerns about aviation safety in Nigeria, despite efforts such as the replacement of heads of aviation agencies.

News About Nigeria reported that on November 3, 2023, Minister of Power Adebayo Adelabu narrowly escaped death when a plane he was onboard crash-landed at the same Ibadan airport.

A private jet operated by Flint Aero crash-landed into the bush close to the runway, causing heavy damage to the aircraft.

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