
Momoh To Prioritise Road Infrastructure In Edo



The Minister of the Niger Delta, Engr. Abubakar Momoh, has stated that he will prioritise the development of infrastructure, especially road infrastructure, in Edo state, News About Nigeria reports.

The minister stated this while speaking at the 2023 edition of the Au-Ukhua Cultural Carnival, celebrated in Iviukhua Community, Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State.

He noted that the development of the Agenebode-North Ibie- Okpella road has been relegated to the back for a long time, but he assured them that it would be given the necessary attention and also completed during the President Bola Tinubu administration.

He further noted that the deplorable state of the road has made journeying from different local governments to Agenebode cumbersome and therefore promised to put an end to it.

Speaking on the significance of the Au-Ukwa Carnival, Momoh noted that the carnival not only served as a means of bringing the people together, but it also provided the youth with the opportunity and platform to showcase their skills and talents.

He maintained that giving the youths an avenue to showcase their talents takes away their minds from negative and untoward activities that are detrimental to society.

The minister, who was awarded a certificate as brand ambassador, stated that the Au-Ukwa Carnival, the 8th edition, which was celebrated this year, has attracted interest not only in Edo State but throughout Nigeria and abroad; hence, every necessary support should be provided to take the carnival to greater heights.

The Au-Ukhua Carnival is an event celebrated annually in the Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State.

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