
FG Drops Criminal Charges Against British-American Tobacco



The Federal Government (FG) has dropped the criminal charges it filed against British-American Tobacco (BAT) and has proceeded to fine the company and its affiliate companies $110 million instead, News About Nigeria reports.

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCPC) revealed this in a statement on Wednesday, noting that the fine came as a result of infringements of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act, the National Tobacco Control Act, and other legal instruments by the Tobacco company.

The commission stated that it would be withdrawing the criminal charges that were pending against British-American Tobacco and also releasing at least one employee who tried to obstruct the commission by attempting to prevent the execution of the search warrant, in addition to an initial lack of cooperation and compliance in the investigation.

He, however, noted that these will be done on the condition that British-American Tobacco fulfils its obligations under the Consent Order and subjects itself to compliance and monitoring for 24 months, including mandatory public health and tobacco control advocacy and provisions of written assurances to the commission.

The commission further revealed that it had carried out an order and warrant of search and seizure, which was approved by a Federal High Court, at BAT locations and the location of a service provider on January 25, 2021.

It disclosed that substantial evidence from forensic analysis of electronic communications and other information and data that were obtained during the search, as well as other evidence procured during and after the search from other legitimate sources, was obtained.

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