
Appeal Court Judgement: Fresh Protest Breaks Out In Kano



A fresh protest broke out in Kano State on Monday over the appeal court’s judgment that unseated Governor Abba Yusuf of the New Nigeria People’s Party.

News About Nigeria reports that for the past few days, an uneasy calm had spread through the state capital following a reported contradiction in the Certified True Copy of the Appeal Court judgment.

Recall that the city had witnessed bouts of violent protests that erupted on Wednesday, during which seven persons were arrested by the police.

The police had also warned political parties against carrying out their threats of trooping to the streets in protest.

However, despite the warnings from the men of the police force earlier in the day, the protests were held.

A huge crowd of protesters on Monday, in agitation, stormed strategic positions in the city.

According to reports, the protest, which appeared like a coordinated action, was said to have halted commercial activities in the city temporarily, with hundreds of youths demanding justice for Governor Yusuf.

The Commissioner of Police in Kano State, Hussaini Gumel, however, stated that the contending political parties have signed a peace pact, and anyone found outside this arrangement will be treated as a common criminal.

He urged the residents not to pay heed to the calls for the closure of markets and streets by some ‘troublemakers, assuring them that they were free to conduct their businesses without fear.

He further revealed that the police had received information that some citizens were planning to incite trouble under the guise of gathering to offer special prayers.

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