
Ekiti Governor Pays Pensioners N500m Gratuity



The Governor of Ekiti State, Biodun Oyebanji, has paid N500 million gratuity to pensioners in the state to clear the backlog of gratuities, News About Nigeria reports.

The payment of the gratuities is to ensure the welfare of pensioners in their old age and to also ensure that they don’t struggle as Nigeria is currently going through hard times.

According to the governor, his administration is aware of the hardship people are suffering, which is a result of the fuel subsidy removal, which is why they are committed to ensuring that retirees in the state enjoy the good life in these times.

He also disclosed that his administration is making efforts towards clearing the backlog of all gratuity arrears, which is why the state is considering the demand for monthly payment of gratuity to pensioners.

“On all outstanding issues, we are working so hard to ensure that we crack those nuts; I’m aware of all the arrears of pensions and check-off dues and many things that are still due to our people,” the governor assured.

Oyebanji also promised pensioners in the state that his administration is committed towards their wellbeing.

Speaking on wage award for workers, the governor said his government was already working out a scenario where workers would be taken care of to cushion the effect of subsidy removal on them.

He, therefore, charged the pensioners and the entire people of the state to continue to support his administration with their prayers in order to achieve a better Ekiti where everyone will be comfortable in the shared prosperity agenda of the state.

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