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Lagos Government Seals Mikano’s Building



The Lagos State Government has taken decisive action by sealing an eight-floor property owned by Mikano Company, News About Nigeria gathered.

The move came after the firm ignored a previous stop-work order issued by the government, which has threatened demolition if corrective measures are not taken.

This action is part of the Lagos State Government’s ongoing efforts to bring order to the construction sector, particularly along the waterfront corridor.

The property, situated on Queens’ Drive in Ikoyi, has been under construction and was sealed after a joint inspection by the Commissioners for Waterfront Infrastructure Development, Ekundayo Alebiosu, and Physical Planning and Urban Development, Dr Olumide Olayinka.

The commissioners expressed their frustration at the company’s non-compliance with the stop-work directive and reiterated that the government will not overlook such violations, regardless of the parties involved.

Alebiosu said, “The government cannot ignore and still ask us to go do what we are doing. It is a process. We have received several petitions and complaints, and that is why I am here with HC Physical Planning, to verify the veracity of those claims.”

Olayinka added that the Ministry of Physical Planning will take stern action against defaulters, serving eviction notices and carrying out demolitions where necessary.

He stated, “Most of the structures you see along the waterway do not have approval; that is why we are marking them. Those of them that we have identified to have extended beyond the approval given, we shall compel them to comply.”

The government is preparing for a comprehensive enforcement operation along the waterfront corridor to ensure compliance with regulations and approvals.
