
#EndSARS Memorial: Police Assure Safety As Youths Plan Peace Walk For Victims



Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesperson of the Lagos State Police Command, has assured Nigerian youths that the police will be on the ground to provide maximum security as they are set to stage a peace walk in honour of victims of police brutality and those who lost their lives during the #EndSARS protest.

In a tweet, Mr Hundeyin disclosed that buses will be allowed to pick up passengers at the tollgate.

He further explained that members of the Nigerian Police Force will be on the ground to ensure the safety of all the youths participating in the peace walk.

“However, the @LagosPoliceNG will be fully present to ensure security for all individuals participating in the peaceful walk, as long as they are not obstructing traffic,” Mr Hundeyin’s tweet read.

The popular social media influencer, Mr Macaroni, announced plans for a peace walk on Thursday night to honour victims of police brutality and the Lekki massacre.

Mr Macaroni stated that the Peace Walk aims to honour the courageous Nigerian youths who lost their lives when authorities opened fire at Lekki tollgate during the #EndSARS protest.

News About Nigeria recalls that during the #EndSARS protest in October 2020, members of the Nigerian Police Force opened fire on peaceful protesters at the Lekki tollgate.

While authorities denied killing protesters at the tollgate, independent investigations revealed that the whereabouts of some Nigerian youths who were at the Lekki tollgate during the massacre remain unknown to this day.

In October 2020, young people demonstrated in large numbers against police brutality and harassment. The demonstration received international media coverage but was marred by the shooting of peaceful protesters by members of the Nigerian military.

At the state level, the government established panels to investigate and compensate victims of police brutality in the aftermath of the protest.

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