
VIDEO: Some Housemates Advising Me To Breakup With Angel – Soma Reveals



Reality TV star, Soma, recently opened up about the advice he’s been receiving from some of his fellow housemates to break up with his partner, Angel.

Their relationship blossomed during their time together on the Big Brother Naija All Stars show, and it has continued to capture the attention of fans and fellow contestants alike.

In a recent interview, Soma candidly shared that individuals such as Cross and several other housemates have been suggesting that he should reconsider his relationship with Angel. Despite the well-intentioned advice from his friends, Soma remains resolute in his commitment to his partner and expresses his indifference to their opinions.

“Some housemates always come to me and say, ‘Soma, you need to leave this babe.’ You know, several housemates have come to tell me to take it easy with Angel, and I’m like, ‘Guys, I don’t care’,” Soma revealed during the interview.

In response to Soma’s comments, Angel expressed her bewilderment about why their fellow housemates would make such presumptions about her and her relationship with Soma, especially given that they may not have had the opportunity to get to know her fully.

News About Nigeria gathered that the love story between Angel and Soma first unfolded during their time in the All Stars edition of the BBNaija reality TV show. Their connection continued to thrive outside of the house, with Angel even sharing her openness to the possibility of marrying Soma.

This revelation from Soma sheds light on the complexities of relationships formed in the intense environment of a reality TV show. It highlights the influence of external opinions on personal decisions and the resilience of the bond between Angel and Soma in the face of such advice.

As their love story continues to unfold, fans of the couple eagerly anticipate the next chapter in their journey and hope that they can navigate the challenges that come their way while staying true to their feelings for each other.

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