
Former Lagos State Governors Fashola, Ambode, and Sanwo-Olu Reconcile Under Tinubu’s Leadership

President Bola Tinubu has successfully brought together three of his successors as governors of Lagos State, fostering a spirit of unity and reconciliation.



President Bola Tinubu has successfully brought together three of his successors as governors of Lagos State, fostering a spirit of unity and reconciliation.

Lagos State has been fortunate to witness the leadership of Babatunde Fashola, Akinwunmi Ambode, and Babajide Sanwo-Olu as governors following Tinubu’s tenure, News About Nigeria reports.

Tinubu served as the governor of Lagos State from 1999 to 2007, making significant contributions to the state’s development during his time in office.

In 2007, he gracefully handed over the reins of leadership to Babatunde Fashola, who subsequently served as the governor for another eight years, leaving a commendable impact on the state’s growth and progress.

Upon the completion of Fashola’s second term, the baton of leadership was passed to Akinwunmi Ambode. However, a clash between Tinubu and Ambode resulted in Ambode’s loss during the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship primaries in 2018. During this period, Ambode expressed his grievances towards Tinubu and his successor, Sanwo-Olu.

The reconciliation process commenced when the incumbent governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, paid a visit to the former governor during his 60th birthday celebration, displaying a willingness to mend fences and foster harmony.

Sanwo-Olu acknowledged Ambode’s dedication and service to Lagos State as a former governor and civil servant, emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation among leaders for the benefit of the state and its residents.

Continuing the momentum of reconciliation, a welcome back party was organized by the state governor in honor of President Bola Tinubu, where Tinubu, Fashola, and Ambode were present, further solidifying the spirit of unity and inclusiveness.

Gboyega Akosile, the media aide to Governor Sanwo-Olu, shared his thoughts on the meeting, expressing gratitude and stating, “Four Generations! Three former governors, the incumbent governor, and a president – all from Lagos. God bless Lagos State.”

The reunion of these distinguished leaders reflects the power of reconciliation and the shared commitment to the progress and prosperity of Lagos State. It is an encouraging sign for the future of governance in the state and an example for others to emulate.

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