
Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts through Comedy – Real Warri Pikin’s Journey

Real Warri Pikin, the renowned comedienne, Anita Alaire Afoke Asuoha, has recently opened up about how her personal struggle with suicidal thoughts led her to embark on a career in comedy, inspiring others facing similar challenges along the way.



Real Warri Pikin, the renowned comedienne, Anita Alaire Afoke Asuoha, has recently opened up about how her personal struggle with suicidal thoughts led her to embark on a career in comedy, inspiring others facing similar challenges along the way News About Nigeria reports.

Recalling the trying period between 2017 and 2018, Real Warri Pikin disclosed that she and her husband, Ikechukwu, were burdened by a significant debt, which triggered her contemplation of suicide. However, she found solace and healing through her foray into comedy.

In an interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo, the mother of three shared that her initial comedy videos were not solely meant to induce laughter but rather to motivate people who were also grappling with debts and the overwhelming pressures of life.

Her message was simple: despite owing debts, individuals should take solace in knowing that even the federal government is in debt. Real Warri Pikin encouraged others not to succumb to despair and emphasized the importance of taking things one step at a time. She acknowledged that problems are inevitable but expressed her belief that confronting them gradually was essential.

Real Warri Pikin expressed, “All the videos wey I dey do that time, no be comedy to make people laugh o, na to motivate people say, Area! Even though you dey owe debt, no worry, Federal government dey owe debt. No kill yourself. Take one step at a time. Problems must come.

“I think those things helped me heal like things wey I supposed to myself I go come dey tell [others]. Then I never pay the debt finish o. I go still go cry, come do video.

“Maybe God made me went through what I went through because [He wanted me to be here].”

Reflecting on her journey, Real Warri Pikin speculated that perhaps her painful experience served a higher purpose, suggesting that her resilience in overcoming her own tribulations was meant to inspire others in need. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to make a positive impact.

Real Warri Pikin has since received numerous testimonials from individuals who credit her motivational talks with deterring them from contemplating suicide.

Her openness about her struggles has resonated deeply with her audience, empowering them to find strength and hope during their darkest moments.

Real Warri Pikin’s story is a powerful reminder that out of adversity can arise transformative journeys. Her courage to address her personal challenges and use comedy as a platform for healing has made her an inspiration to many who are navigating similar battles.

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