
Actress Ashabi Simple Addresses Rumors Surrounding Her Relationship And Pregnancy With Singer Portable

Popular actress Ashabi Simple has spoken out against rumors surrounding her relationship with street-hop singer Portable and the circumstances of her pregnancy.



Popular actress Ashabi Simple has spoken out against rumors surrounding her relationship with street-hop singer Portable and the circumstances of her pregnancy.

In a recent interview with Punch Saturday Beats, she clarified that her association with Portable is not based on material gains but rather on the care and support he provides. News About Nigeria reports.

“He (Portable) has done many things for me but what stands out the most is the care and support he gives me. I am not here for the material things. I have produced movies and made my millions before meeting him. I have been a self-sponsored student even before I met him. I have been carrying responsibilities way back.”

Ashabi Simple dismissed the notion held by many that she is with Portable solely for his money. She emphasized that their bond is built on genuine affection and understanding.

Addressing the rumors about her childbirth, she revealed that she and the singer plan to get married soon.

Additionally, she expressed her willingness to accept Portable’s involvement with other women.

The actress explained that her pregnancy was not an accident but a deliberate decision made by both her and Portable.

They had discussed and planned for the arrival of their child, solidifying their commitment to each other.

Ashabi Simple’s statement aims to end speculations and set the record straight about her relationship with Portable.

While some may have speculated about the motives behind their union, Ashabi Simple made it clear that love, care, and support are the pillars of their relationship.

The couple is now focused on preparing for their future together, with marriage being the next step in their journey.

“We have introduced our families and hope to get married soon. I am an entertainer and I have thought about getting married to him properly. I did not get pregnant by mistake. It was planned and I do not expect to have issues with any of his wives or other baby mamas. I see some comments that I want to snatch Portable but I am not here to snatch anyone. I am just a shareholder and I cannot take care of him alone because I have my career and child. I also want to work more and be famous,” she said.

The actress also spoke about the singer’s personality off the stage, noting that Portable is a calm and caring man, unlike most think.

“One cannot judge his personality from his performance because that is what he does for a living and he has to put in his best and energy. As my man, he has always been calm and caring. He is always available when I want to talk to him and he is a great listener. Those are some of the things I like the most about him,” she stated.

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