
Why I Am Not On Good Terms With Tinubu – Ojikutu



Alhaja Sinatu Ojikutu, a former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, has revealed the cause of her strained relationship with President-elect, Bola Tinubu, News About Nigeria reports.

Ojikutu disclosed that the issues started in 2002 when she served as a commissioner of the Federal Character Commission, representing Lagos State.

She presented data that showed that Lagos indigenes were being marginalized in the state, which infuriated Tinubu.

At a press conference held in her Ikoyi residence, Ojikutu narrated that the former governor accused her of playing politics because she was a governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

She added that she later discovered that her allocated land had been changed by the then-governor, Michael Otedola.

When she complained, she realized that the land had been revoked shortly after her disagreement with Tinubu.

Ojikutu also stated that she had been receiving death threats since Tinubu’s victory in the February 25 presidential election.

She had raised an alarm over the threat to her life and vowed to renounce her Nigerian citizenship if Tinubu was sworn in as president.

She disclosed that she approached the Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu, to help settle the misunderstanding, but realized that the issue had escalated.

The former deputy governor had land allocated to her on Victoria Island by Raji Rasaki, but Otedola later took it over and gave her another land.

After receiving the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), she discovered that the land had been changed. Ojikutu went to court to recover the land from a Lebanese squatter who was making building blocks on it, and the case took a couple of years before she got judgment.

Shortly after receiving judgment to take over the land, some developers approached her husband and claimed that the land’s C of O had been revoked.

After conducting an investigation, it was discovered that the revocation was done shortly after her disagreement with Tinubu.

When Ojikutu confronted Tinubu, he accused her of wrongdoing and demanded an apology, which she refused.

She contacted Oba Akiolu, who intervened and said he did not want to hear anything about the issue between her and Tinubu.

Ojikutu stated that she was not playing politics but presenting data to Tinubu, and she was not aware of any wrongdoing on her part.

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